Are you ready to embody your greatest potential as a woman? 

Awaken your Creativity

 Liberate your Sexuality &

 Live in Embodied Feminine Flow...

You are invited on a journey into the feminine realm of the Womb, as a portal to self love & a life of authenticity, creativity & radiance!! 

The Temple of the Womb is more than an online course, it is a sacred portal reviving ancient wisdom for the modern woman, that provides a safe space for women to explore & awaken their Sacred Sexuality & Womb Power. It is a legacy. It is an initiation into your birthright as a woman. As an empowered human. As a vessel of creativity and love.

You have a powerful force that dwells in your womb & heart ready to birth what you came here to create, and rebirth into who you truly are. 

Why the Womb?

The womb is the gateway to all creation. It is your portal to your power, passion & purpose. The Womb births human life, as well as holding the energetic power to birth all our creative projects. In Tantric tradition, the Womb / Yoni is the gateway to the feminine heart. Unfortunately so many women are disconnected from their Womb power & the womb is used a psychic dumping ground for unresolved trauma and suppressed emotions. If a woman is disconnected from her Womb, this affects how she interacts with the world, from what she is here born to create, to how she navigates her emotions, to how she chooses to live her life, and even how she navigates relating and intimacy.


 You ALIGN your cycle to the natural rhythms of the earth

 Slow down and reconnect to the FEMININE feeling centre

 You ignite your CREATIVE potential

 You accelerate the receiving flow of true ABUNDANCE

 Have the courage to begin following your PASSIONS & living life in alignment with your deepest soul DESIRES

 You will HEAL any unconscious anger betrayal or mistrust of the masculine

 You will HEAL traumas stored in the Yoni - Womb

 Become more MAGNETIC to your heart/wombs deepest desires

 OPEN to the gateways of DEEP pleasure & begin to make LOVE with LIFE itself.

 FLOW with life more & start sharing you unique gifts & live your PASSION.



The Temple of the Womb is an initiation into womanhood, that you may have never received as a teenager. A remembrance of the power of our wombs, and deep embodiment of our feminine magic. 

The core focus of this course, is on both theory & embodiment practices to deeply harness the power of our Menstruation & Sexuality ... when we do this we are initiated into a new experience. This forms the basis of our maturity & innate power & wisdom as a Womb-Heart Centered Woman.

Through the journey we dive deep and we free ourselves of guilt, fear & shame held deep in our subconscious conditioned minds. From here we begin to break down societal & personal conditioning's and we begin to truly live from our truth through awakening our primal energy & living from our hearts deepest desires. 

This one step could open up a whole new perspective on your feminine soul path...

Join us sister, as the mystery & magic awaits you…


Awakening the Power that lies in your Womb...

You will be taken on an empowering journey through 6 key pillars of the Temple of the Womb. 

Each Pillar comprises of a 20-30 minute video transmission, including key content and embodiment practices, as well as interactive worksheets, audios & bonus materials.

Pillar 1. Menstruation Magic

Learn about the 4 phases of the Menstruation Magic Wheel & how to work with your flow not against it; in order to maximize your greatest potential in work, life, love, and spiritual growth. 

Pillar 2. Awakening the Womb

Understand the power of your womb consciousness & be guided on an embodied Tantric meditation through the 7 portals of womb consciousness that unlock your greatest potential as a woman embodied in her sexuality & heart. 

Pillar 3. Enter the Yoni-verse

Unlock your creative power stored in your Womb and Yoni. Release any sexual traumas and suppressed emotions as you are guided through a deeply embodied, practical and simple Jade Egg practice. 

Pillar 4. Blood Mysteries & Sacred Ritual

Understand the energetic power of your menstrual blood and enter the mystery that awaits there.. Become acquainted with the moon cycles & cosmic events as guiding allies in your womb power & creations. Explore practical and magical tools and menstruation rituals you can implement in your every day life for enhancing manifesting, magic & your creative creator potential. 

Pillar 5. Orgasmic Breasts

Awaken the powerful positive pole of the feminine energetic & physical body. Your breasts. Learn ancient tantric self massage & breathing techniques to help clear out past lovers & any unwanted energies that may be blocking your free flowing heart energy. 

Pillar 6. Emotional Alchemy & Self Mastery

Learn how to express & transmute emotions into your creative fire. Be guided through simple Emotional Alchemy self practices - involving a combination of movement, awareness, sound & breath work. This practice assists to clear the subconscious mind & soothe the nervous system. This assists the release any emotional blockages, so energy can flow freely through the emotional, energetic & physical bodies.


Nadine Lee

Hi sister, I am Nadine Lee & I am a Tantra Yoga Teacher & Feminine Embodiment Coach. I live on the tropical island of Bali & I have devoted my life to deep soul transformation & I am so honoured to share what has touched & transformed me with you, on this path..

At the core of my work, I am here to expand your mind body & soul. I help you break down condititionings & stories that bind you & hold you back from living your truest potential.

I am a woman, just like you ... I grew up in mainstream society, ticked all the boxes of societies expectations of me... I finished university & ended up working in Women’s Fashion, Magazines & Advertising. Exploring these realms of unhealthy femininity, superficiality & emphasis on external beauty; only reinforced my battle with Eating Disorder & Depression. I spent just over 4 years in the corporate jungle, after I bravely answered the call of her heart towards my passions holistic health & yoga. I began as a qualified Nutritionist specializing in womens eating disorders & body image; however found the missing link was always in Sexuality. From here I was introduced to the Temple Arts & Tantra. I later spent much time in India, training in Tantra, Yoga & Dance. For the past 9 years I have been devoted to transformation, and has apprenticed with Shamans, Tanriks & Spiritual Teachers.

My current work has taken a niche into the Feminine Tantric practices, including conscious menstruation & feminine sexuality. 

I have been working with conscious menstruation & womb wellness for over 5 years & it has changed my life completely!

My gifts were awakened, I healed my body issues, I birthed my business, I called in the most transformational relationship to date, I feel more balanced & at peace in general.

My passion now lies in empowering women back to self love; honouring of the natural cycles of life & nature & breaking down sexual & societal conditioning of the mind around such taboo topics, like Menstruation & Sexuality. I know that when we bring consciousness to such natural bodily functions, through ritual & reverence, the essence of Tantra begins to naturally awaken us to our power, a depth of understanding of our self beyond physical, & our innate feminine wisdom.





Join the Temple of the Womb online course today & have access to deeply embodied & practical wisdom that guides you through both embodiment practices & theory that you can implement straight away in your everyday life.


✔ Receive lifetime access to the high-quality videos + curated worksheets + audio files for each Pillar module.

✔ Each Pillar Module Content will be available from the moment you enroll, so you can learn at your own pace.

✔ Learn at your own pace.

✔ Full course access for life

✔ Receive a FREE copy of Menstruation Magic eBook, The 7 Womb Portals healing guided meditation & the Sacred Feminine Womb Healing guided meditation.



“Nadine Lee  is exactly the guide I was in need of in this stage of my life.  After several mediums encouraging me to heal my womb energy without any clue on how to do so Nadine's course was the missing piece of the puzzle. I felt I was unlocking ancient wisdom within my body that had been stuck for lifetimes. Her course truly allowed me to embrace my cycle as the most spiritual, beautiful, and celebrated time  of my month. I now have the relationship I have always dreamed of with my yoni, womb, and breasts. My body and spirit body feels like my own  again and I am every grateful for the guidance, love, and light that  Nadine shared with myself and our group. Nadine is ever present in her  own personal evolution and generously shares it with the word, I couldn't be in more awe. If you get a chance to study, dance, or share space with her jump in with your full heart as you'll be in divine hands!” Malia’Kekia. HAWAII.


“Prior to completing the Temple of the Womb course with Nadine, I had always thought I was somewhat connected to my body, but had never placed much focus on my womb, other than my moon cycle. The course taught me so much, I joined many dots from childhood conditioning and realised I had unconsciously held trauma, particularly around the ‘Mother Wound’ deeply in my womb… for 30 years! I was able to shine a light on these darker parts of my inner and outer world and move forward with more freedom, lightness and love. I felt very supported throughout the entire 6 week, Nadine holds a beautiful online space for women to share their thoughts, experiences and ask questions. I especially loved the guided meditations as they helped me fully connect with my body on a deeper level than ever before. Thank you so much Nadine, every woman needs to do this course.” Rosie. AUSTRALIA.


"The on-line course was much more powerful than I expected. I had read Nadine's Menstruation Magic ebook & was curios to explore further. Already after the first weeks I had powerful experiences related to my menstrual cycle and my life that I wish I learnt earlier in life but at the same time very grateful to get in contact with now. Nadine embodies all the practices and that made me feel safe through the exploration. The course is structured in a very easy way which makes it easy to go back and explore certain topics even after the course. I highly recommend it to any woman who wants to get to know herself on a deeper level and get rid of old stuck energy. It made me so curios to explore more, that I signed up for the Dance of Shakti retreat in Thailand in December." Anna. SWEDEN.


"The Temple of the Womb online course has all been such divine timing! The course started on my birthday, and has been so helpful post hysterectomy to heal on all levels and not disconnect from my womb but bring me into an even more embodied state! Thank you so much for this Nadine." Jessica. USA


"The Temple of the Womb Course was exactly what I needed. It was the perfect blend of reflection work, body exploration, and energy healing. The structure of the course worked well for my learning style between the video lessons, PDF worksheets and secret Facebook group for discussion. I have been on a soul journey through the way of the Goddess for over 6 years now and this course taught me new techniques and brought so much insight! My favorite module was Orgasmic Breasts where we learned about the nipple arc line, how to clear past lover's energies and different tantric breast massage techniques. Nadine is a true mystic, a guide and sage." Vanessa. USA


"I have been actively seeking an access point to step into and begin learning the ways of tantra. Nadine’s course was exactly what I was wanting. In going through the course I have had so many powerful Epiphanies. Learning about my body and my cycle in ways I actually felt saddened it took me so long to bring this utterly meaningful, profound information into my life. I wish for all women to be empowered in this way as soon as they begin their cycle, it’s life changing and the way of nature. I was beyond impressed with Nadine’s course, thorough, deep, beautiful, professional and utterly Shakti! Her course gives you all the tools you could wish for to begin your path, practice, and integration in your life. As well as a forum to delve deeper if you feel called. I was really blown away by all of what she’s created/curated here and it comes with my highest regard and recommendation." Valentine. USA


“Following the practices taught in this course has awakened the energy within. I am more connected to my womb and the energy that is constantly flowing through me. I’ve found that creative spark again and started actual work on some amazing projects. I’ve experienced pleasure in ways that I wasn’t even aware of before. Thank you, Nadine, for being my guide on this journey.” Julie. USA


“I loved the program, very easy to understand & work through and full of so much yummy goodness from you. Able to work in your own pace and delve deep into your womb space with great worksheets and guidance. I just very much love everything you do and believe you are wonderful in helping women grow and stand in their power! On a personal level I found that the work brought up a lot of things I need to reflect on and do further work on. I found it hard to continue on when these things came up during the week being so new to all this I am thinking I wasn’t as experienced as dealing with the womb so I was shocked to find so many raw emotions and feelings within the second week! Will definitely be needing to redo it again and push through some more barriers. Thank you xx” Sheeana. AUSTRALIA


"I received a womb massage / healing from Nadine, spend the day going slow and eating nourishing foods and was lead through a beautiful ritual that connected my womb back to the earth that evening. It was the most profound, powerful and healing day of my time in Bali this year. I feel overwhelmed with the love I now have for my body, womb and menstrual cycle. I feel so connected to myself as a woman. I am genuinely looking forward to my monthly moon and excited to explore more and more menstruation magic with myself and my sisters. I highly recommending learning first hand from Nadine what it means to be a empowered woman, connected to source and shakti wisdom. She truly is magical!" Kaylene. AUSTRALIA.


"I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Learning the different stages of my cycle was so empowering and made me feel proud to be a woman. I would definitely recommend to friends and family and have already been sharing what I have learnt with them." Alex. AUSTRALIA


"I loved the entire experience, Nadine created such a beautiful space for us to dive deep & empower ourselves as woman. It truly felt like home ". Rachel. AUSTRALIA


"I have explored many things in the past few years to address some of my own menstruation issues, and I have not openly discussed it prior to this because I have been ashamed of my own struggles. I previously followed Nadine Lee's work from a distance without fully diving into the practices she shares because somehow that felt like an admission that I was broken, that I needed to be fixed. After meeting her in-person in Bali last year and seeing her gifts firsthand, I knew I would be in good hands if I chose to work with her. And now I have & this course has been a key pillar in healing my menstruation and sexuality." Liz. NYC